Martin Cetinski, Sr. b 1864
4th cousin 1x removed
My Very Lazy Post
There are no longer Cetinskis in Beadling. But the DNA is rampant because no less than two branches came over - and they were already related to each other! This Lazy Post is about Martin Sr who was only here a short time before moving back to Slovenia. He did inspire two of his children t to immigrate: Martin Jr. to Beadling and his daughter to Detroit.
Remember, all Cetinskis, Delachs, Stampfels, Zurls, and Skenders in Beadling are already 3-6th cousins multiple times over, so if you are related to one, you are related to 1/3 of the neighborhood! And probably make a diamond tree like mine. 😏
Remember, all Cetinskis, Delachs, Stampfels, Zurls, and Skenders in Beadling are already 3-6th cousins multiple times over, so if you are related to one, you are related to 1/3 of the neighborhood! And probably make a diamond tree like mine. 😏
Martins Life in a Blurb
Martin Cetinski was born 13 Nov 1864 in Suhor, Kostel, Slovenia. He married Agnes Racki 14 Jul 1889 in the Parish of Banja Loka. Agnes is also a cousin. Agnes Racki is my 2nd Cousin 2x removed. She was born 4 May 1864 in Lipovac pri Kostelu, Kostel, Slovenia. Because of the inter-cousin relationship to me, the children of this union jump in closeness to 3rd Cousin 1x. Crazy!! This couple had 5 children over 12 years. Nicely spaced.
Martin came over sometime before 1906. It doesn't appear he stayed very long. Often, men came over for a few years to earn money to supplement their meager farm income and then went back to their families in Slovenia. I only know he was here because of his son, Martin Cetinski, Jr. b. 24 Apr 1890, Suhor 3 who lists him as his destination on his passenger list in 1906. Martin Sr. missed every online database! And I can't find his passenger list, hence....
The Lazy Post. He was here. Then he wasn't. But his legacy lives on! Pedigree and 2 generation descendant list. Martin Jr. is much more interesting because he stayed (sort of) and I'll detail him in a separate article.
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